Top Questions and Answers Ask your question and an employment lawyer in Ontario, BC or Alberta will answer in minutes Your Question * FOR EMPLOYEES FOR EMPLOYERS Your Email * Your Name * Your City Feedback Note, your name, city and email is not displayed on the website. It is used to notify you that we have answered your question. My boss is a lawyer ready to retire soon. Has not given any notice, but now wants to incorporate his business. If he incorporates, I heard that severance does not need to be paid. Is this true? I'm 52, worked for 33 yrs as law clerk.I am returning from parental leave. My employer is offering me a job at the same level, but is not giving me my old position back. My old position still exists but the portfolio I would manage has changed by about 20% (ie. Same job function/responsibilities, just a smaller portfolio as they sold off part of the business) Since my old position exists, don’t they have to give it back to me?If my company lets me go due to organizational restructuring, how can I get a reference letters and letter of recommendation from them on a company letterhead. Please answer detail as I really need the information.If my employer lets me go due to organizational restructuring and gives me a record of employment with the Code "K", am I still able to get Employment Insurance in Alberta?In the event I quit my job in Calgary and leave the company to apply to another company, is my previous company legally allowed to bad mouth me to my next potential employer to prevent me from getting hired? Previous Next Page 2 of 1486