Top Questions and Answers Ask your question and an employment lawyer in Ontario, BC or Alberta will answer in minutes Your Question * FOR EMPLOYEES FOR EMPLOYERS Your Email * Your Name * Your City Feedback Note, your name, city and email is not displayed on the website. It is used to notify you that we have answered your question. I have worked for a company for 25+ years, am 60 years old and was told on Sept 12 that my employment with the company would end on Dec 20. Is this considered working notice and will this be deducted from any severance I am owed? The layoff also impacted over 100 employees at my company so is deemed a large group layoff.I am the financial controller for my employer. They are having extreme financial difficulties and it looks that they will not be able to cover payroll next week. I would like to resign this Friday as I may not be getting paid for this current week. Is there any ramifications for not giving 2 weeks notice in this instance? I have documentation showing they are unable to put any more funds into the company. Also wondering about my chances of receiving EI. The company I have been told is being sold, closing date is Oct 26I mentioned to my employer that I am going on medical leave, and I don’t want any of my staff members to know. They have told my team that I am away for medical reasons.What is the procedure for formal complaints if the complaint violates the privacy policy and discusses the issue with other employees?If an employee is terminated in Alberta and passes away shortly thereafter, is their next of kin able to obtain information about the termination circumstances?   Next Page 1 of 1464