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I've been working remotely as an independent contractor for a major electronics corporation for the past three years, with my contract renewed annually. My usual monthly take-home pay has been about $4000. This year, however, the value of my contract's purchase order decreased from $70k to $40k, reducing my billing potential for 2024.

I'm worried they might not renew my contract next year or could cut it back even more. I'm curious about the likelihood of receiving severance due to potential misclassification as a contractor rather than an employee. Here's a few things pointing to my role being misclassified

- My job description matches that of a full-time employee, requiring deep collaboration across departments, managing multiple projects, etc.

- Previously, I was required to attend weekly meetings and training sessions, but this expectation has recently changed.

- I have access to company resources, such as a company email. I have also been included in internal team charters.

- The company started hiring contractors through a third-party agency soon after I joined, but I'm directly employed by the company.

- I've been directed to only work on specific projects assigned by the company, which limits my independence, hinting at employee status.

- I have been required to attend various training sessions, indicating a significant integration into the company's operations.

It sounds that you would most likely qualify as a dependent contractor or employee, entitling you to severance if they further reduce or terminate the contract.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
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