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Good afternoon and thank you for your time. My problem I'm having with my employer is over the past year. I feel they've been trying to get me to quit in various ways and I had brought this up to my management which my direct manager confirmed and now I have a meeting tomorrow morning I'm assuming to discuss because I believe I brought this up. I'm just curious where I stand legally if I'm fired or laid off


If you are terminated without cause, your employer will be required to provide you with severance pay. To find out how much you may be owed, visit

It is important that you not sign anything in the meeting tomorrow and that you have any documents you are provided reviewed by one of our lawyers. Your employer may try to pressure you to sign by saying they will revoke the offer but you have legal entitlements to severance pay and the right to consult a lawyer on such important questions.

If your employer alleges that they have just cause to terminate you or deem you to have quit, be sure to contact us immediately.


Lluc Cerda
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
Direct Tel (Toll Free): 1-855-821-5900     Email:     Web:
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