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On Feb 1st, 2024: I had an "official" meeting with my supervisor and HR about my reduced work hours to care for my Mother. Now, they are requesting a 2nd Doctor's Note about the actually start time and the length of time the treatment would last. My Mother is very elderly (in the 80s) and slow to heal...she is also close to death...not even the doctor knows how long the treatments will last...more than the average of 6-8 weeks.
I was also told that "they had to keep my job since I was caring for family". This statement made me very anxious and upset since I felt they really wanted to let me go. Plus, to further add more stress, they mentioned "they hope the treatments would not be that long since working 1/2 days is now affecting me financially" if I did not know that already.

Can my employer ask for a 2nd Doctor's Note even though the 1st one was official with the doctor's signature and license number?

Mentally and emotionally I am not doing well.

Your employer is entitled to medical documentation to support your continued accommodation needs. As long as they receive that documentation, they are under a legal obligation to continue accommodation. If they terminate you or stop accommodation then you are entitled to severance, and we strongly advise that you contact our intake team to schedule a consultation.
The Lawyers at Samfiru Tumarkin LLP
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