Add Comment Question: I have been temporarily laid off for 13 weeks. Recently given the option to return as part-time or contract terminated and severance paid out. I opted to take termination with severance. I have been informed that I have to return to work Monday Nov. 20th for 8 weeks. When I chose the termination option nothing was said I would have to return for eight weeks. Do I have to return for the eight weeks. Also, do I have to sign acceptance. Answer: An employer can require that an employee work out their notice instead of providing a lump sum payment. However, given the circumstances of your situation, it would be best to have your matter reviewed with an employer lawyer to ensure that you are being provided with adequate severance. Your Comment * Your Email * Your Name * Your City Note, your name, city and email is not displayed on the website. It is used to notify you that we have approved your comment.